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35 Things I’m going to do before turning 35


Are there things you are still looking to accomplish but cannot pull the trigger to get it done or overcome a fear of doing something no matter how big or small? If you can relate, then we are in the same boat. I would be honest and say that there are several things on my 35 before 35 list that are trivial but has caused me great distress because believe it or not, my perfectionist ways that I once clung to kept me in constant distress and fear of doing things.  Thank God for deliverance and the  molding on the potter’s wheel to reshape my life in a way that serves Him.  One of my favorite passages Isaiah 64:8 “ Yet, O Lord, you are our father. We  are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Is perfect to meditate on when you are looking to make changes in your life. God’s love is so graceful and merciful that he wants nothing more than to mold us into the women we are destined to be. I thank God every single day for the work he is doing in me and for the confidence he has given me to seek out things that would normally terrify me. I guess knowing that my heavenly father has me in his hands, gives me all the confidence I need. I have done some amazing things thus far, but here is my list of 35 things to do before turning 35 that I will be tracking on my blog, so keep me accountable.

  1. Learn to swim  (I grew up in the inner city and rarely went to pools and when I did go to the beach, it was not to swim)
  2. Create and run a successful blog with a sustainable income.
  3. Write a series of romance novels.
  4. Write a children’s book.
  5. Pierce my nose ( Ha! This one terrifies me for some reason, but I have always wanted a piercing)
  6. Dye my hair a crazy color.
  7. Eat pizza in Naples, Italy.
  8. Pay off all my debts! (Student loans will NOT defeat me or go into my next decade of life)
  9. Take a luxurious trip by myself. ( Still researching destinations)
  10. Buy a car ( I do not own a car, nor do I drive. Whew! Glad I got that off my chest because I have always felt a bit embarrassed by not owning a car)
  11. Drive on the highway ( I have a license, but it is not in use so driving on the highway feels terrifying, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.)
  12. Read 100 Books and keep a list.
  13. Get published: Book, magazine, journals, website.
  14. Attend fashion week and sit in the front row of a show.
  15. Cook with and eat a meal prepared by a celebrity chef.
  16. Have a book on the NY Times best sellers list.
  17. Write a letter to my 35-year-old self to be open on my birthday 4/2022.
  18. Do karaoke! Even if it terrible, I want to complete a whole song.
  19. Work on set with Michael B. Jordan. ( celebrity crush)
  20. Cash a check for $300,000.
  21. Have a photoshoot in the lavender fields in France.
  22. Rustic and Glam camping in the woods, cooking included.
  23. Create a teacup/ tea infuser line. ( Tea is life!)
  24. Enter a contest and win. (Not decided on the type of contest)
  25. Do a healthy extreme body transformation.
  26. Attend an event as a guest speaker.
  27. Learn to tap dance.
  28. Meet Oprah. ( Don’t we all love her?!)
  29. Do a photoshoot with a major brand.
  30. Cook every meal from a cookbook ( Julie and Julia is one of my favorite movies!)
  31. Milk a cow. ( Not sure why, just feels like it would be a cool experience)
  32. Earn a culinary certificate.
  33. Add new item based on new interest.
  34. Add new item based on new interest.
  35. Add new item based on new interest.

So, there you have it! My 35 things that I will complete before 35. I am expecting a wild and fun ride and I look forward to sharing as I cross thigs off my list. So, tell me, do you have a list of things you would like to complete before a certain age? Or a list in general? Be sure to share in the comments. I would love to hear and be inspired by your list.

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