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There is Power in your Testimony: Speak to your Mountains

Faith, Testimonies

There is Power in your Testimony: Speak to your Mountains

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Thank God for a New Year! The test and trials of 2020 were difficult  and depleting so to  be on the other side of 2020 is truly a blessing. God was truly faithful to me and my family in 2020 so it is only right that I stay in obedience and do everything that the Lord has placed on my heart. As I reflect on the past year, one thing remains constant and that is the everlasting love and grace from our savior.  When is say that He showed up and showed out, his favor was overflowing during the darkest moments. I would say I am in awe of how favor has overflowed me in every area of my life, but the truth is that is how God wants to show up in our lives. When we are faithful and obedient, the Lord will show up in ways that we could not perceive in our natural eyes. It is truly something to feel the love of Christ through every range of emotion.

In July  of 2020, I created a list of 35 things to do before turning 35. There are some trivial and extremely ambitious goals on the list but all very valid and  important for me to complete by my 35th birthday. Number 30 on my list of things to accomplish was to : Attend an event as a guest speaker.

Ahhh!! I did it! I obeyed God and spoke at my first event! When I say I was nervous, I was NERVOUS!!! But GOD! It was a teleconference event for the young adult’s ministry at my church and I am so happy that I shared my testimony. It was such a cathartic  experience and after sharing my testimony, I felt like a weight had left me. I slept like a baby that night and really felt the peace of God.

Listen to my testimony here: I’m the second speaker! All the praise and honor to my church home Universal Faith Outreach Ministries for creating a life changing platform.

It is not always easy to share such deep a personal trial, but it is totally necessary. When we talk about the goodness of God, we honor him, and he honors us. So, speak to those mountains that are holding you back. Take charge and it comfortable with sharing your testimony.

So, tell me, how are you starting your year off? How are you speaking to your mountains ? Let me know in the comments.

Connect with me on IG using the hashtag #mytestimony and share something.

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